Nothing But Purple: February 2009   

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Small Talk Six

smalltalksix3001Today's topic is "6 things that make you smile".

1. When I see my boys playing nicely with each other.

2. When I hear how good my boys behaved without me.

3. When my hubby lets me do something I want to do!

4. When my mom helps us out.

5. When I have accomplished something that I've been needing to get done.

6. I smile when my boys come up to me and give me hugs.

To learn more about Small Talk  Six you can go here.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Rembrandt Whitening Treatments

white-teeth-1I have recently been brushing my teeth with Rembrandt's Plus Fresh Mint toothpaste.  I've gotta hand it to'em the taste isn't that bad and it does whiten your teeth. Now I'm not a coffee drinker so it worked within three days of using it along with the Whitening Strips.

Being a first time whitening strips user it was pretty funny talking with them on. My husband said, "Now I'm married to a football player." LOL I've never worn teeth guards or had braces before that made me look a little different but that comes with wanting white teeth. I'm glad I was able to have the opportunity to try them.  I also think the strips could possibly be a bit thinner so they aren't as bulky when you put them.  Like I said these were the first whitening strips ever that I have tried and may go back for more.

I also had the oppurtunity to try their Whitening Touch Up Pen. That is for when you are out and about when you need a quick touch up. I keep it in my purse just in case I need to take care of some spots.

My routine for using the strips was to brush my teeth, put the strips on, take a shower and do the rest of my morning routine until thirty minutes have passed.  For the strips you have to rinse your teeth for fifteen seconds with water place the top strip on your upper teeth and the bottom strip on your lower teeth after thirty minutes have passed you take the strips off and rinse out your mouth again.

Rembrandt Plus Fresh Mint Toothpaste
  • Unique formulation contains fast acting Bio-available Peroxide to start working on contact
  • Retails for $7.99

Rembrandt Whitening Touch Up Pen
  • Contains the Bio-available peroxide that starts working immediately
  • It has an angeled tip and gel formula that provides easy application
  • Retails for $14.99

Rembrandt Whitening Strips
  • Once daily treatment applied for 30 minutes visibly whitens in five days
  • Conforms to the shape of your teeth and stays in place with Formfit Technology
  • Formulated with the Bio-available peroxide
  • Retails for $24.99

You may also visit Rembrandt at for more information on their products.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wonkable Wednesday 2.25

ORLANDO BLOOM Pictures, Images and PhotosSexy Bloom Pictures, Images and Photos

Orlando Bloom Pictures, Images and Photos

Orlando Bloom Pictures, Images and Photos

If you are new to Wonkable Wednesday's it's all about the hot celebs that you fantasize about. If you have someone to put up leave a link to your post so that I can come check them out. HAPPY WW!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Winner of Name Your Tune Personalized CD

Is number 15, Terra H. who said "This would be a great gift for my niece, Madelyn. Thanks."

Terra, I will be sending you an email shortly, you will need to respond within 48 hours.

Thank you to all who entered.

Thank you Name Your Tune for the chance to work with you.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Five and A Half Hours Later

Cat of 3 Kids and Us Birth Story Giveaway Ending 2.24.09  I better get this typed because today is the 23rd.

So going back three and a half years ago when I was pregnant with my oldest, Connor.  My first.  The romance baby.  I was heaven.  I'm getting a little ahead of myself here though.  So on with the birth story that I never got around to typing or writing down anywhere after he was born.
The date; June 16th I go in for my 37 week appointment.  Midwife tells me I am five centimeters and 50% effaced.  HOORRAAHH!! She gave me two choices.  First option was to go back home and let things just progress on their own and either have baby boy at home or while in the car driving to the hospital.  Second option was to go directly to the hospital and get put on pitocin so that I could feel the contractions that I've been having ALL day.

I should've just walked around Walmart until my water broke but I didn't.  So we get up to the third level, get checked in, and hooked up to the machines to monitor contractions and baby's heart rate.  All was then I started feeling hungry..... NO FOOD Miss Jessica, just in case we have to operate.  WELL FLIPPITY FLIP!  LOL

Mom gave me a few saltine crackers to chew on for a little bit and ice chips.  I lay on the bed and just rest for the next four and half hours.  I was doing fine until I didn't have enough time in between contractions to breathe, so my mom called the nurse in.  She saw what was going on and backed down the pitocin.

The nurse checked me and said that I was fully dialated and all, the contractions where still coming strong but I was able to take a quick breath inbetween each one.  I kept telling them that I needed to push and she wouldn't let me until the midwife came in.  She prepared the room and called the midwife in for delivery.

The midwife checked me and noticed his head was crowning.  So she tells me, "When I tell you I need you to push.  And now, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and relax."  I diPhotobucketd that two more times after the first.  Connor's head came out along with making me have a stinging/burning sensation at 12:12 am on June 17th.  My midwife suctioned Connor's nose and mouth then tells me to push one last time.  The rest of him was out.

She laid him on my tummy for a few minutes then cuts the cord after she took him back for a few, hubby didn't want to, which was fine.  She lays him back on my tummy and I hold him but watching her for any sign of anything if I needed to do something.  She delivered the placenta and the nurse took Connor to get weighed and have the apgar test done.  The nurse gave Connor back to me and I tried my hand at breastfeeding.  I thought it was going well.

I started to shake and shiver. I told them so they covered me with about two warm blankets and then my father joined us at the hospital.  So then they told us that we needed to gather our stuff up and head to a recovery room.  My mom and husband did that while I got into a wheel chair and off to recovery I go.


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Small Talk Six

smalltalksix3001MomDot Small Talk Six, today's topic is "6 things you would be willing to flash someone for.”

1.  A trip to Disney World for a week all expenses paid, board, food, hotel, park tickets and transportation.

2. 5 million dollars, 1 million for each boy, 1 million for my hubby, and 1 million for me.  The last million would be spent to pay off any outstanding bills.

3. A new 4/5 bedroom house in the area we are in.

4. For Chris to get into a college so he can get a better job, working with his talent for Art.

5. All expenses paid to any college of the boys choice.


Now go sign Mr. Linky at MomDot.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New Look

I've neglected my blog but there are reasons.

1. No internet

2. Getting my blog on a hosting(thanks to Cat)

3. I've gotten myself a really bad cold.

I know it looks a little bland right now but I'm hoping Cat will be able to finish helping me soon.

Again thanks for sticking around.  I have a few posts in line for you I just want to wait until all of this is settled.  If there is something you'd like to talk about you can email me, caleenna at gmail dot com and (will be blog related from now on).

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="480" caption="changing shoes"]CAPARROS Temple Purple New Heels Pumps Size 6 Pictures, Images and Photos[/caption]

I'm excited to see the new Nothing But Purple I hope you are too.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Small Talk Six

Today’s topic is the “6 most romantic or unromantic things that have ever happened to you.” You can answer this with a list of 6 words, 6 phrases, 6 sentences, 6 paragraphs, 6 photos, 6 videos, etc .
1. Getting a teddy bear and flowers in high school at my co-op job.

2. being proposed to

3. laying under the stars with my hubby

4. Going to a wedding

5. Being at MY own wedding

6. just being ALONE with my hubby is romantic enough.

Now head on over to MomDot and sign Mr. Linky.


Pre Valentine's Date Along With A Few Tidbits About the Week

valentines_day_graphics_10Yes a pre-Valentine's Date. Hubby wants to go see Friday the 13th and I'm not one for scary movies. Never liked them. Now there are a few that I have watched but if I watch them and you scare me during the movie I WILL undoubtedly have nightmares or go to bed with a light on.

I told my mother, she suggested that I take a cd player with ear pieces. Not a bad idea. I could hide the cd player in my purse and once in the theater, pop in the ear pieces so I don't have to hear any of the movie and just watch it.

I wont be going period.

So wish me luck tonight. hehehehehe I'll be back with more details later this weekend. I may miss MomDot and Uncorked Live tonight. GOOD LUCK to all who play and CONGRATS to those who win.

I've forgotten to tell you guys I won a PEEK from Busy Mom. I recieved it last Friday. I have yet to try it out. Hubby said no way. It's only 19.95 a month for the subscription and I just want to try it out for a month. So we'll see.

Christy, thank you for the Sling. I recieved it yesterday.

Stacy, OH.MY.GOSH. I LOVE YOU and Thank you. I've had to bring my chocolates and suckers to work with me otherwise my boys would be eating it all! Love the teddy bear and I will have to try that wine. I've not heard of it before. Where are they established at? I have pictures and a video that I will have to upload a little later.

Today Connor went on his first little field trip to the nursing home by bus. I hope daddy went with him. They are having their Valentine's party and I'm unable to be with him. Kind of makes me a little sad and down today but that's ok because daddy is with him. I hope he isn't to scared of the elders.

We also put a Wii on layaway at K-mart last Friday! We will have it no later than Easter! It will be an Easter gift from us to the boys.

Another little thing. I recently recieved some Rembrandt Whitening Treatments and some K-Y Yours and Mine lubricant that my hubby and I will be trying out tomorrow sometime. For now you can head over to The Mom Buzz for her updates on using the Rembrandt Whitening Treatments. Come back soon for the review on both products.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Friday The 13th Night LIVE!

Be ready on Friday the 13th the day before Valentines Day, MomDot has declared it a holiday and the will be having A One Night Only BLOG PARTY!

If you missed it last week, they played they're own little rated R version of Scatagories. I wasn't there I was no where near a computer. They will have that back, along with some other awesome online games and maybe even a scavenger hunt or two!

Here is a sneak Peek of the sponsors and what you can look forward to on Friday Night Live. Be here over at MomDot @ 8:30 Central time on Friday the 13th to WIN BIG with MomDot:

Things Remembered
Casio Watch (courtesy of MommyGoggles)
Flip Ultra (courtesy of The Posh Parent)
Fruit Rollups
And of course
Dyson Divas

I hope to have some luck because my youngest was born on Friday the 13th back in 2006, my dad was born on a Friday the 13th back some 20+ years, and a cousin of mine was also born on a Friday the 13th. So I should have nothing but GOOD LUCK. hehehehe See you there.


First Video On New Baby

This is a video from Connor's 3rd Birthday. Both sets of grandparents bought the Radio Flyer Scooters. Good thing because James loved riding on it. Watch how he gets on it and rides at the end. I'm SO READY for spring and summer to be outside ALL afternoon would be wonderful for all of us. New is a great place to upload your videos from homevideo's to reviews and vlog's. It's also a great place to check out other video's from moms about pregnancies, toddlers, preschoolers, and everything in between.


Truth or Dare

Copy and paste the button above in your blog posts if you like. I will have a Mr. Linky in the next few weeks.
Today's Truth or Dare is:
Truth: Are you open about your sex life with your partner?
Dare: I dare you to sing, in vlog, your favorite nursery rhythm.
Truth you can tell right here in the comments or on your blog if there's more you'd like to say but the DARE you MUST do and put on your blog and come back here with a link to that post. Those are the only rules. Happy Thursday.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wonkable Wednesday Edition 2.11

Yes my X-Men fantasy is with Hugh Jackman.

Hugh Jackman Pictures, Images and Photos

Hugh Jackman Pictures, Images and Photos

Hugh Jackman Pictures, Images and Photos

Hugh Jackman Pictures, Images and Photos

Sign Mr. Linky with your post or leave a comment on what you think.


WW 2.11 Edition: Icicles

This was the first night when the ice storm hit two week ago. The rest of the pictures are somewhat progression pictures and pictures that I did myself and love.

The day after the icicles just kept getting longer.

This are my parents trees right about noon that Sunday.

This is a favorite of mine.

Sign Mr. Linky and visit more here, here, and here.



Monday, February 9, 2009


I had a little blonde moment this morning. I, for some reason thought today was President's Day. Don't get me wrong I do love days off from work but this one really did a number on me because I told my oldest that Amma, my mother, would be with me to pick him up. I know how upset he will be when GamGam picks him up.

He sees her ALL the time but it's for good reasons she helps us by picking the boys up while I'm at work and hubs is sleeping before work. It's just the way things are for now and works for us. I hate it but if he wants to go school she'll be there to pick him up.

It really made me cry though because I know he misses Amma A LOT! So next Monday that will be our plan. I'll drop him off at school, make up day for all the snow days, and then his brother and I will visit Amma then about 2:40pm we will pick him up from school. I know he'll love spending time with Amma.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Small Talk Six

Small Talk Six Topics for 2009:
2/7 – 6 songs that you love to dance to when nobody’s looking
1.Kevin Rudolf - Let It Rock
2. Beyonce - Single Ladies
3. Britney Spears - Circus
4. TI ft Rihanna - Life your Life
5. Madonna ft Justin Timberlake - 4 Minutes
6. Rihanna - Distrubia


Friday, February 6, 2009

CartStopper 20% Off Coupon

forsalesignHave you ever struggled with putting food from your gorcery cart into the trunk of your car and having to worry about your child sitting in the cart? Well CartStopper is the answer for you. I love mine. I use it every time I go shopping with or without the boys. You may view my full review here. Dyanne has offered my readers the following coupon just enter WWMAG at check out for your 20% off of purchase.

"Receive 20% off at My Lil' Monkeys with the coupon found on page 22 of the February issue of Women's World Magazine (Coupon Code: WWMAG) now available on newstands."

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Triaminic Thin Strips For Children


trilogoHere are a few things you should know in making the right decision of whether or not they need to stay home.

-If your child has a fever of 100.4 or higher.
-Has been vomitting
-sore throat
-Productive coughing and sneezing

Some ways to help them in getting better.

-Plenty of rest
-Liquids such as water, soups, juice, and ice
-Cool Humidifier

You may also use Triaminic Thin Strips. They come in three different flavors along with soft chews.
Thin Strips Soft Chews

For your very own box of thin strips or soft chews for your little one here is a coupon you may use.

Answers To A Few Recent Posts

Phriday Photo Phinish Pheista
1. Lego Tree
2. Swirls of HOMEMADE Hot Chocolate
3. An eye from one of my Pillsbury Dough Boy's

Then Wordless Wednesday, you girls had me cracking up and yes I would share them even after I made the chocolate chip cookies. The container is from Snapware. I found mine at Gordman's but a friend of mine found hers at Walmart. They also make containers to hold your cereal.
