Nothing But Purple: Small Talk Six   

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Small Talk Six

smalltalksix3001MomDot Small Talk Six, today's topic is "6 things you would be willing to flash someone for.”

1.  A trip to Disney World for a week all expenses paid, board, food, hotel, park tickets and transportation.

2. 5 million dollars, 1 million for each boy, 1 million for my hubby, and 1 million for me.  The last million would be spent to pay off any outstanding bills.

3. A new 4/5 bedroom house in the area we are in.

4. For Chris to get into a college so he can get a better job, working with his talent for Art.

5. All expenses paid to any college of the boys choice.


Now go sign Mr. Linky at MomDot.


  1. You don't really have a million dollars in outstanding bills do you? LOL!!

  2. Cool list. I would do it for a trip to Disney or fully paid college for my daughter!

  3. I can't wait to take all the kids to Disney World. I'm waiting for them all to be old enough to really enjoy it.

  4. I love that you added your DH! lol 5 million $ would be nice too! You should flash for 6 and add me to your list!

  5. I would love to go back to DisneyWorld. It was one of the best vacations that I've had.

  6. Great list. Definitely worth flashing for

  7. LOL Sure. :) I could stand to help a friend out.

  8. no but it would get rid of all the ones that really need to be taken care of. :) LOL

  9. The last time I was there I was a freshman in HS and was in marching band on the color guard team. So it would be nice to take them in a few years.


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